1. Check for Leaks
Inspect visible pipes, under sinks, and around toilets for signs of leaks. Look for water stains, puddles, or rust, which could indicate underlying problems.
2. Test the Water Pressure
Turn on taps and showers to check water pressure throughout the home. Low pressure could mean issues with the supply line, blockages, or a faulty water heater.
3. Inspect Drains for Speed
Run water in sinks, tubs, and showers to ensure drains flow quickly. Slow drains could be a sign of blockages or more serious plumbing issues.
4. Examine the Water Heater
Find out the water heater’s age and condition. Look for signs of corrosion or leaks and ask about its maintenance history. An older or poorly maintained water heater may need replacing soon.
5. Flush the Toilets
Flush each toilet to ensure they work properly and don’t run continuously. Check for leaks around the base as well.
6. Look for Signs of Moisture or Mould
Moisture or mould around pipes, walls, or ceilings can indicate plumbing leaks. Addressing these problems can be costly, so catching them early is essential.
7. Locate the Main Water Shut-Off Valve
Ensure the main water shut-off valve is easily accessible and in working order. This is critical during emergencies to prevent water damage.
Why These Checks Matter
Plumbing repairs can add significant costs after purchasing a home. By identifying potential issues beforehand, you can negotiate repairs with the seller or decide if the property is worth the investment.
At Collister and Glover, we provide the tools and expertise to help you with plumbing inspections and repairs. Whether you’re a homeowner or a professional, we have everything you need to keep your plumbing in shape.
Visit our store in Deeside or contact us for advice on tools and supplies!